Dec 5, 2016 | Orgulho de servir aqui, orgulho de ser Brasília.

It really is a weird feeling to see something good end when you never thought it would.

The whole week members have been asking me how I feel about going home, finishing my mission, every question you could possibly ask to a returning missionary has been made. And I don’t really know how to answer any one of them! But I feel at peace with the Lord and with myself.

I can not express enough my gratitude and humility to the Lord for the privilege I have had to serve as a representative of Christ and His church for the last two years. My family and my life and my heart is here with those I have served and taught and testified. I can now say with a firm conviction that Christ is at the head of this church, and He is our master and truly our best friend. I know without a doubt that Joseph was and is a prophet of God, and that by divine power he brought forth the Book of Mormon. That book is incredibly special to me, and has the power to change the hearts of all who read it as it changed mine!

I know that I have done everything I could, and one day I will be able to lay down at the Master’s feet and rest in His presence. I love yall, see yall soon.

Peace be the journey!

E por meus queridos amigos brasileiros que estão aí também:

Só uma coisa bem rápida: Muitas vezes, pensamos ser seres humanos passando por experiências celestiais quando na realidade somos seres celestiais passando por experiências humanas. Nunca se esqueçam do trabalho divino do qual fazem parte! São incrivelmente especiais para mim, saibam disso! A missão é a melhor coisa que tem, aproveitem. O Senhor está consciente do seu esforço e lhes abençoará de acordo com a sua fé. Vocês são da galaxia mesmo!

With a throwback to my first day in Brasilia. Elder Adams with President Lundgren April 21, 2015
President and Sister Lundgren
Baptism of Eliene in Posse
Baptism day in Posse
Baptism of Eliene

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