Aug 22, 2016 | Baptisms and hiking and brown people

It’s another short one with a lot of pictures this week, but I hope yall know how much I love and pray for you every week.

The Lord has been kind to us this week with wonderful people to visit and teach, even if sometimes we weren’t able to do everything we could. I have been having some problems trying to help my companion be more obediente and udnerstand our purpose as missionaries, so the work is slow most of the time. But Heavenly Father has not ceased to help and guide us! Carol is reading the Book of Mormon everyday and she has received na answer to her prayers that it’s true. We met her friend Luisa that already has a Book of Mormon, and we started to teach her as well. Referrals are coming, and President gave us permission to travel once a week to a city about an hour from here (Iaciara) to try and open a group there, we’re really excited to work!

The sisters has a baptism this week and I had the honor of doing the ordinance!

I love yall so much, and I’m grateful for what yall do for me.

Peace be the journey.

Adams & ?? on Parrot Mountain
Elder Adams & ? on Parrot Mtn
Parrot Mountain selfie
Parrot Mtn selfie
Parrot Mountain
top of Parrot Mtn to watch the sunrise
Parrot Mountain2
Parrot Mtn
Parrot Mountain3
Parrot Mtn
Parrot Mountain4
more Parrot Mtn
parrots on Parrot Mountain
infested with beautiful tropical birds
not that drink again
not that drink again
Posse shoes
“Posse” shoes
Weverton baptism day
sleeping cat
cat I found sleeping on the street

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